Manage your personal data in accordance with RODO. The system makes it possible to supervise authorizations and keep records of several entities in one system.

Find out how RODOprotector works

Hyprovision DLP system is dedicated to

Personal Data Administrators

Data Protection Officers

Employees dealing with RODO

System architecture





The RODOprotector system supports the processes of managing personal data protection documentation in terms of:

Risk analyses

Automatically conduct a risk analysis in accordance with RODO regulations. The RODOprotector system will automatically calculate the level of risk and prepare a report for the analysis.

Processing operations

Get full information about the purposes and scope of data processing and the retention period. The RODOprotector system significantly simplifies the process of managing processing activities, thanks to built-in registers.

Registry of demands

Efficiently record data subjects’ requests for access to personal data. Thanks to the system, you will note all requests with information about the expiration of the deadline for response in accordance with the regulation.

Assessing the gravity of the violation

In the RODOprotector system, you will automatically receive information on whether the breach should be reported to the supervisory authority and informed to the data subjects. The software will value and qualify incidents step by step.


Our clients

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